Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baby Blankets

Two and a half years ago I went to a baby shower for my husband's cousin. At the baby shower she got the cutest blanket. It had these little fringe things all the way around, and as I asked to look at it closer, I thought to myself, "I could do that!" (My mother is a seamstress and I have a high opinion of the fact that I know a little bit. Enough to get myself into trouble and have to call my mom.)

Needless to say, I quickly went to the store and bought myself some fabric. I was pregnant at the time with my first son and thought that the blanket sizes they sell in the stores actually work. So I bought 1 yard of each flannel I liked and went home a happy girl. 

Then I gave birth. To a normal sized little boy (8lbs 1oz, 21 in). Who quickly grew to the 90%. He's still in the 90%. When swaddling babies store blankets don't work. And if they do, someone tell me what I did wrong that my kid always found a way to get out of them and then scream bloody murder because they weren't swaddled anymore...

So... the fabric for the blankets that I hadn't gotten around to suddenly looked small. But I still wanted them! So I went back to the fabric store! I got 1.5 yards of fabric this time! (I thought I was really smart...) And 1 whole blanket got made! Out of 7! The rest... nope... they never got made. 

So now baby number two gets to have a new set of blankets! The big ones... and I made the other set of three to give away as gifts to moms that I know will have smaller boys than mine.

First start off with your fabric. You will want 2 pieces (top and bottom) of coordinating fabric of 1 yard each or 1.5 depending on if you have big babies or not. Some will say to pre-wash. I don't. I'm sure someone out there is cringing. Have the fabric placed right sides out! Match up the top and bottom pieces and pin around the edges and in the middle to keep the fabric in place while you sew. (Some don't pin... but I'm not that good so I pin.)


After pinning it's off to the sewing machine.  My (piece of crap) sewing machine died. So I borrowed my mom's. It's much nicer than mine, but all you really need is a straight stitch. I chose this one, thinking in my head it would be nice and durable. It's the one with 3 dashes next to each other. I'm probably overkill here. I'm sure just the single straight line would be fine.

I went in about an inch to an inch and a half all the way around the edges.

More accomplished seamstresses will also sew in the middle of the blanket so it doesn't shift. If you care about this, go for it. I don't.

After sewing around the edges you take your scissors and go around the edges cutting up to your sewing line. (Making fringe.) As a caution at this point I would recommend doing this at a table otherwise you're bound to cut into your favorite pair of sweats and cry a little.

The next step is to throw them into the washing machine and watch the fringe fly! You will want to be prepared with those rolly-tape-pick-up-lint things, or a good amount of boxing tape to take away all the extra frayed pieces that come off. You'll also have to vacuum. Just warning you.

They will continue to fray for the first few washes until they are done with the fraying part, but I can't tell you how much I seriously love these blankets. They are a great weight for summer nights and into the fall. When your kid is in a thicker jammy set up they do great in the winter too. You can throw them down just about anywhere and for some reason the kids love the fringe! Both my boys are really tactile, and will play in my hair... the fringe works the same way. So... yay! I'm done with a project I've had for 2.5 years. Better late...

On a complete side note. This is what I came downstairs to after my shower this morning. He got into them all by himself. The look is saying... maybe if I don't acknowledge that I did something wrong I won't be in trouble... That is also the much loved fringe blanket that I made next to him. :)

Go be!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Freezer Jam

Most of my memories of childhood involve a TON of homemade food. My parents canned most everything, and froze the rest. My first home was an old farmhouse on 5 acres of land. 4 of those acres were rented out and 1 acre was there for my family of 9.

Yes... 9.

That's just the kids... not my parents.

So, it was imperative for my mom to know how to can. I just thought it was normal, until I got a little older and then thought it was just hard work.

As the kids all left and went to college, and dad got promotions, we canned a little less every year. But one thing we've always done is freezer jam.

So... bad and horrible true admission? I'm the youngest. I'm the spoiled one. I'm kinda built in lazy. Sooo I've never helped make the freezer jam before.


And now with my new gung-ho-I-can-do-this attitude, I decided that this year I'd help with the making of the freezer jam.

All 24 quarts of it.

It was AWESOME! I feel great about finding a new thing I can do to keep the traditions of my childhood for my kids. Especially the really yummy ones that happen to be easy peasy lemon squeezie!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Gooey Cake

So I'm a blog troller. I love to hang out on many a blog and dream about trying to do what they've done... or modifying it so that it would work in my world.

I'm also a huge lover of all things food. So when I saw this post by Homemade by Jill I had to make it.

I have to admit, at first I was hugely disappointed. I was thinking... BUTTER! Cream cheese! More BUTTER! How can this be a bad plan? (I made the un-pumpkin version.)

But I had a piece of it right after it came out of the oven and it was still hot. (Gooey cake... seems like something that is good hot... right?!?)

It's more like cheese cake... much better cold!

I'm now very glad I made it and eat it for breakfast...

It has eggs in it... two of them...

I guess now I think I'm a baker. :)

Go BE!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Confusing... I know

So this past week officially started football season in my home. As a mother of 2 little boys (Bubby* 2yrs and Tank* 4.5 months) sports are going to be in my home for a long time. SO... I decided to embrace the inevitable and go with the flow.

Mr. ITICB loves football (mainly professional) and since he is back in school this year going for his Executive MBA, he is following his new Alma Mater on the football field as well.

The University of Utah...

I'm a Cougar...

Can you see how this could end up being a problem?

So, I came up with a solution and my project of the week:

HA! I'm officially stoked to get these printed up and put on anything I can! Shirts, bags, sweatshirts, hats... I'm thinking of wearing them everywhere so that the locals will know I've officially lost it.

Cause I have to support both. Cougars have my heart, and the U has my money...

*children's nicknames are subject to change at any time.