Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Confusing... I know

So this past week officially started football season in my home. As a mother of 2 little boys (Bubby* 2yrs and Tank* 4.5 months) sports are going to be in my home for a long time. SO... I decided to embrace the inevitable and go with the flow.

Mr. ITICB loves football (mainly professional) and since he is back in school this year going for his Executive MBA, he is following his new Alma Mater on the football field as well.

The University of Utah...

I'm a Cougar...

Can you see how this could end up being a problem?

So, I came up with a solution and my project of the week:

HA! I'm officially stoked to get these printed up and put on anything I can! Shirts, bags, sweatshirts, hats... I'm thinking of wearing them everywhere so that the locals will know I've officially lost it.

Cause I have to support both. Cougars have my heart, and the U has my money...

*children's nicknames are subject to change at any time.

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